General Reading List for Ph.D. Preliminary Examinations, International Relations --revised Oct. 10, 2000


Basic Textbooks and General Overviews

Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace

Paul Viotti and Mark Kauppi, eds. International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism

James Dougherty and Robert Pfaltzgraff, Contending Theories of International Relations

Bruce Russett and Harvey Starr, World Politics: Menu for Choice

Benjamin Most and Harvey Starr, Inquiry, Logic and International Politics


Classics of IR Theory

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War

Machiavelli, The Prince and Discourses

Hobbes, Leviathan

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

E. H. Carr, The Twenty Years Crisis

Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society

Hans Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations

Kenneth Waltz, Man, The State, and War and Theory of International Politics


Recent IR Theory

Ken Booth and Steve Smith, eds., International Relations Theory Today

Peter Katzenstein, ed., The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics

Christine Sylvester, Feminist Theory and International Relations in a Postmodern Era

Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Politics and "Anarchy is What States Make of It," International Organization, 1992, 46:391-425

Stephen Krasner, Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy

Christian Reus-Smit, The Moral Purpose of the State

R.B.J. Walker, Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory


Conflict Studies

Greg Cashman, What Causes War?

Geoffrey Blainey, The Causes of War

Craine Brinton, An Anatomy of Revolution

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, The War Trap

Lewis Coser, The Functions of Social Conflict

Michael Doyle, "Liberalism and World Politics,"APSR, 1986, 80:1151-1169. 

Ted Robert Gurr, Why Men Rebel

John Mueller, Retreat From Doomsday

Lewis Fry Richardson, Arms and Insecurity and Statistics of Deadly Quarrels

Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace

Thomas Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict 

J. David Singer,  Models, Methods, and Progress in World Politics and Singer and M. Small, "The Correlates of War Project: Interim Report and Rationale," World Politics, 1972, 24:243‑270

Theda Skocpol, States and Social Revolutions

Glenn Snyder and Paul Diesing, Conflict Among Nations

Jack Snyder, Myths of Empire

M. Stohl, "The Nexus of Civil and International Conflict," in Gurr, Handbook of Political Conflict

Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution

John Vasquez, The Power of Power Politics and The War Puzzle

Michael Waltzer, Just and Unjust Wars

Quincy Wright, A Study of War


International Political Economy

Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation

David Baldwin, ed. Neorealism and Neoliberalism

Peter Evans, Dependent Development

Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of International Relations

Judith Goldstein and Robert Keohane, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy

Peter Gourevitch, "The Second Image Reversed," International Organization, 1982, 32: 881-912.

Ernst Haas, Beyond the Nation-State and When Knowledge is Power

Peter Haas, "Do Regimes Matter?" International Organization, 1989, 43: 377-403.

Peter Katzenstein, ed., Between Power and Plenty (IO Autumn 1977)

Robert Keohane, After Hegemony and International Institutions and State Power

Robert Keohane, ed. Neorealism and Its Critics

Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, Power and Interdependence

Stephen Krasner, ed., International Regimes (IO, Spring 1982)

Ethan Nadelman, "Global Prohibition Regimes," International Organization, 1990, 44: 479-526.

Kenneth Oye, ed., Cooperation Under Anarchy (World Politics, Oct. 1985)

Assem Prakash and Jeffrey Hart, eds. Globalization and Governance

Robert Putnam, "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics," International Organization, 1988, 42:427-460.

Ronald Rogowski, Commerce and Coalitions

James Rosenau and Ernst-Otto Cxempiel, eds. Governance without Government

John G. Ruggie, ed., Multilateralism Matters

Joan Spero and Jeffrey Hart, The Politics of International Economic Relations



Political Economy and Conflict

Nazli Choucri and Robert North, Nations in Conflict

Johan Galtung, "A Structural Theory of Imperialism," Journal of Peace Research, 1971, 8: 81-117

Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics

Joshua Goldstein, Long Cycles

Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers

V.I. Lenin, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism

George Modelski and William Thompson, Leading Sectors and World Powers

William Thompson, On Global War and ed., Contending Approaches to World Systems Analysis

Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World System (especially vol. 1)


Foreign Policy Analysis

Graham Allison, Essence of Decision (or article in APSR, 1969, 63: 689-718)

G. Allison and Morton Halperin, ABureaucratic Politics: A Paradigm and Some Policy Implications,@ in Tanter and Ullman, ed., Theory and Policy in International Relations (World Politics, 1972)

Richard Barnett, Roots of War

John Lewis Gaddis, The Long Peace and The United States and the End of the Cold War

Leslie Gelb and Richard Betts, The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked

Alexander George, "The Operational Code," International Studies Quarterly, 1969, 13:190‑222.

Alexander George, "Case Studies and Theoretical Development: The Method of Structured, Focused Comparison," in Paul Lauren, Diplomacy

Alexander George, Presidential Decision-Making in Foreign Policy

Alexander George and Richard Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy

Charles Hermann, C. Kegley, and J. Rosenau, eds, New Directions in the Study of Foreign Policy

G. John Ikenberry, ed., American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays

Irving Janis, Victims of Groupthink, and Irving Janis and Leon Mann, Decisionmaking

Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Politics

Charles Kegley and Wittkopf, eds, The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy

John Mueller, War, Presidents, and Public Opinion

Richard Neustadt and Ernest May, Thinking in Time: The Uses of History for Decision Makers

James Rosenau, The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy

Richard Snyder, H.W. Bruck, and B. Sapin, "The Decision-Making Approach to the Study of Inter­national Relations," in James Rosenau, International Politics and Foreign Policy, revised edition

John Steinbruner, The Cybernetic Theory of Decision