Service-Related Papers and Presentations
Indiana University
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis:
"The Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis: A Thematic Overview," Political Science Y673, January 8, 2008.
SKKU training schedule, January 2008
Presentation on "Enhancing Institutional Diversity in a Globalizing World," Seminar on "Gobernabilidad y Federalismo" ("Governance and Federalism") sponsored by the Escuela Iberoamericana de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IBERGOP-Mexico), Mexico City, September 23-24, 2002. [Spanish translation of power point presentation]
Summary of Discussions, Conference on New Approaches to Governance in Africa, June 10-12, 2002 [draft]
Overview of Workshop for Conference on the Constitution of Order in Africa, June 2002 [power point presentation]
Overview of Workshop for Presentation to Asia Foundation, December 2001 [power point presentation]
Michael McGinnis, "Elinor Ostrom: A Career in Institutional Analysis," PS: Political Science & Politics, December 1996, 29 (4), 737-741.
Proposal for Partnership for Self-Governance in Post-Colonial Societies, January 2003
Terrorism and Homeland Security:
"Organizing For (and Against) Terror," IU Mini-University, June 18, 2003
Power Point Presentation on Terrorism and Homeland Security, Political Science Y200, Spring 2002
Other Presentations
"Faith-Based Initiatives in the Bush and Obama Administrations," IU Mini-University, June 25, 2009
"Conflict as the Hinge of Governance," International
Studies Summer Institute (ISSI), Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana
University,, July 14, 2007
"Evaluating Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Famines," DePauw University, Nov. 14, 2005.
"Some Implications of Polycentric Governance for the Study of International Relations," draft presentation, Nov. 2005
"Conflict, Religion, and Institutional Analysis: A Research Agenda in Transition," Purdue University, November 3, 2004.
updated Dec. 5, 2010