Michael D. McGinnis
Professor Emeritus, Political Science,
Senior Research Fellow Emeritus, Ostrom Workshop,
University, Bloomington
Curriculum Vitae, October 2020
Guide to IAD and the Language of the Ostrom Workshop
How to Use the IAD
Framework; Applied Guide
Ostrom Workshop Colloquium materials Sept 14, 2020 -- paper slides
Handout for
IASC Workshop March 2020
- Chair, 2015-2016
- Emeritus Professor, 2019-present
- Professor, 2003-2019,
- Associate Professor, 1991-2003
- Assistant Professor, 1985-1991
- Affiliated Faculty 1990-present
- Senior Research Fellow, 2013-present
- Director, 2010 - 2012, Co-Director, 2003-05, 2009-10, Associate Director, 1997-2003
- Chair, Workshop Advisory Council, 2007-08
- Member, Workshop Advisory Council, 2019-present
- Dissertation Title: Arms, Aid, and Allies: A Formal Model of the
Security Policies of Regional Powers [abstract]
- Dissertation Co-Advisors: John H. Aldrich and Brian L. Job
- Fields of specialization: International Relations, Foreign Policy,
Methods and Methodology
- Daniel Cole and
Michael D. McGinnis, eds. Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of
Political Economy, (4 volumes). Lexington Books. [Introductions
to Compendium and all volumes]
- Michael D. McGinnis, editor of three volumes subtitled
Readings form the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,
University of Michigan Press. [Editor's Introductions
to all three volumes]
- Polycentric Governance and Development, 1999.
- Polycentricity and Local Public Economies, 1999.
- Polycentric Games and Institutions, 2000.
- Michael D. McGinnis and John T. Williams, Compound Dilemmas: Democracy, Collective
Action, and Superpower Rivalry, University of Michigan Press, 2001.
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Daniel H. Cole, Graham Epstein, and Michael D. McGinnis. 2019. “Combining the IAD and SES
Frameworks,” International Journal of the Commons, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2019), pp. 244-275.
- Michael Hendryx, Lucia Guerra-Reyes, Benjamin D Holland, Michael Dean McGinnis, Emily Meanwell, Susan E Middlestadt,and Karen M Yoder. 2017. “A county-level cross-sectional analysis of positive deviance to assess multiple population health outcomes in Indiana,” BMJ Open 2017; 7:e017370. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017370.
- Daniel H. Cole, Graham Epstein, and Michael D. McGinnis. 2014. "Digging Deeper into Hardin’s Pasture: The Complex Institutional Structure of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’," Journal of Institutional Economics, September 2014, 10(3): 353-369. Awarded 2015 Elinor Ostrom Prize for the best full-length article published during the previous year in the Journal of Institutional Economics.
- Michael D. McGinnis and Elinor Ostrom. 2014. "Social-ecological system framework: initial changes and continuing challenges." Ecology and Society 19
(2): 30. [online] URL:
- Michael D. McGinnis and Elinor Ostrom. 2012. "Reflections on Vincent Ostrom, Public Administration, and Polycentricity,"
Administration Review. 72:1 (January/February), 15-25.
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2011. “Networks of Adjacent Action Situations
in Polycentric Governance,” Policy Studies Journal 39 (1) (Feb. 2011),
45-72. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2011. “An Introduction to IAD and the
Language of the Ostrom Workshop: A Simple Guide to a Complex Framework,” Policy Studies Journal
39 (1) (Feb. 2011), 163-177. [longer
web version].
- Michael D. McGinnis and James M. Walker. 2010. "Foundations of the
Ostrom Workshop: Institutional Analysis, Polycentricity, and Self-Governance
of the Commons," Public Choice, 143, Numbers 3-4 (June), 293-301.
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2007. "From Self-Reliant Churches to Self-Governing Communities: Comparing
the Indigenisation of Christianity and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa,"
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 20, 3, (Sept. 2007),
401-416. [paper]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2000. "Policy Substitutability in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: A Model
of Individual Choice and International Response," Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.
44, No. 1, (February 2000), pp. 62-89. [Abstract]
- John T. Williams, Michael D. McGinnis, and John C. Thomas, "Breaking the War-Economy
Link," International Interactions, 1994, 20 (3), 169-188. [Abstract]
- Michael D. McGinnis and John T. Williams, "Policy Uncertainty and Two-Level Games:
Examples of Correlated Equilibria," International Studies Quarterly, March 1993, 37:1,
29-54. [Abstract] [link;
- John T. Williams and Michael D. McGinnis, "The Dimension of Superpower Rivalry: A Dynamic
Factor Analysis," Journal of Conflict Resolution, March 1992, 36:1, 86-118.
[Abstract] [JSTOR]
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Richardson, Rationality, and Restrictive Models of Arms Races," Journal
of Conflict Resolution, September 1991, 35:3, 443-473. [Abstract]
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Limits to Cooperation: Iterated Graduated Games and the Arms Race,"
International Interactions, 1991, 16:4, 271-293. [Abstract]
- Michael D. McGinnis, "A Rational Model of Regional Rivalry," International Studies Quarterly,
March 1990, 34:1, 111-135. [Abstract] [JSTOR]
- Michael D. McGinnis and John T. Williams, "Change and Stability in Superpower Rivalry,"
American Political Science Review, December 1989, 83:4, 1101-1123. [Abstract]
- John H. Aldrich and Michael D. McGinnis, "A Model of Party Constraints on Optimal Candidate
Positions," Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 1989, 12:4/5, 437-450.
[Abstract] [link]
- John T. Williams and Michael D. McGinnis, "Sophisticated Reaction in the U.S.-Soviet Arms
Race: Evidence of Rational Expectations," American Journal of Political Science,
November 1988, 32:4, 968-995. [Abstract] [link;
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Issue Linkage and the Evolution of International Cooperation," Journal of
Conflict Resolution, March 1986, 30:1, 141-170. [Abstract]
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2019. “New Institutional Economics.” To appear in Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School: Building a New Approach to Policy and the Social Sciences, edited by Jayme Lemke and Vlad Tarko, under contract with Agenda Publishing, with North American marketing and distribution through Columbia University Press. [draft]
- Mark Stephan, Graham Marshall, and Michael McGinnis. 2019. “An Introduction to Polycentricity and Governance.” In Andreas Thiel, William Blomquist, and Dustin Garrick, eds.
Governing Complexity., chap. 1, pp. 21-44. New York: Cambridge University Press. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2019. “Beyond a Precarious Balance: Improving the Scientific Rigor and Policy Relevance of Institutional Analyses from the Bloomington School.” In Ostrom’s Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Public Policy of Elinor C. Ostrom, eds. Roberta Q. Herzberg, Peter J. Boettke, and Paul Dragos Aligica, Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, chap. 1, 19-72. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2019. “Connecting Commons to the IAD Framework.” In Blake Hudson, Jonathan Rosenbloom, and Dan Cole, eds., Routledge Handbook of the Study of the
Commons, Routledge, chap. 5, 50-62. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2018. “Commons, Institutional Diversity, and
Polycentric Governance in US Health Policy,” chapter 11 in Daniel Cole and
Michael D. McGinnis, eds. Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of
Political Economy, Volume 4: Policy Applications and Extensions, Lexington,
chap. 11, pp. 279-308. [page
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2017. "The IAD Framework in Action: Understanding
the Source of the Design Principles in Elinor Ostrom’s Governing the
Commons," in Daniel Cole and Michael D. McGinnis, eds. Elinor Ostrom and
the Bloomington School of Political Economy, Volume 3: A Framework
for Policy Analysis, Lexington, 87-108. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis and Paul Dragos Aligica. 2013. "Institutional
Analysis and Political Economy," In Routledge Handbook of Public Policy
edited by Eduardo Araral Jr., Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh and
Xun Wu, New York: Routledge, chap. 4, pp. 87-97.
- Michael McGinnis and Vincent Ostrom.
"Democratic Transformations: From the Struggle for Democracy to
Self-Governance?," In
The Quest to Understand Human Affairs: Essays on Collective,
Constitutional, and Epistemic Choice, vol. 2. Edited by Barbara Allen.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 501-532. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2011. "Elinor Ostrom: Politics as Problem-Solving in
Polycentric Settings," in Donatella Campus, Gianfranco Pasquino,
and Martin Bull, eds., Maestri of
Political Science, volume 2, Colchester, UK: ECPR Press, 137-158. [draft]
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2008. "Legal Pluralism, Polycentricity, and Faith-Based
Organizations in Global Governance," in Mark Sproule-Jones, Barbara
Allen, and Filippo Sabetti, eds. The Struggle to Constitute and Sustain
Productive Orders. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 45-64. [draft]
- Michael McGinnis and
Elinor Ostrom. 2008. "Will Lessons from Small-Scale Social Dilemmas Scale
Up?" chapter to be included in New Issues and Paradigms in Research
on Social Dilemmas, edited by Anders Biel, Daniel Eck, Tommy Gärling,
and Mathias Gustafsson, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 189-211.
- Michael D. McGinnis. 2002. "Enhancing Institutional Diversity in a
Globalizing World," in Gobernabilidad: Nuevos Actores, Neuvos Desafíos,
edición, coordinación y compilación: Alberto Ortega Venzor, Carlos Alberton Martínez Castillo, Vanessa Zárate, Memorias 2002 IBERGOP-Mexico, Vol. II,
Mexico: Editorial Porrúa, 2002, pp. 639-657. [paper]
- Michael McGinnis, "Rent-Seeking, Redistribution, and Reform in the Governance of Global
Markets," in Globalization and Governance, edited by Jeffrey Hart and Aseem Prakash.
London and New York: Routledge Press, 1999, 54-76. [Abstract]
- Michael McGinnis and Elinor Ostrom, "Design Principles for Local and Global Commons," in
International Political Economy and International Institutions, Oran Young, ed.,
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996, Vol. II, pp. 464-493. [reprint of paper
from Linking Local and Global Commons, Robert Keohane, ed., Proceedings of a
Conference held at Harvard Center for International Affairs, April 1992, pp. 16-65.]
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Rational Choice and Foreign Policy Change: The Arms and Alignments of
Regional Powers," in Foreign Policy Restructuring: How Governments Respond to
Global Change, edited by Jerel A. Rosati, Joe D. Hagan, and Martin W. Sampson III,
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1994, pp. 65-87. [Abstract]
- John T. Williams and Michael D. McGinnis, "Expectations and the Dynamics of U.S. Defense
Budgets: A Critique of Organizational Reaction Models," in The Political Economy of
Military Spending in the United States, edited by Alex Mintz, pp. 282-304. London and
New York: Routledge, 1992. [Abstract]
Other Publications
Michael D. McGinnis
and William Blomquist. 2013. "Reflections on the Ostroms’
Contributions to the Social Sciences," Journal of the Indiana Academy of
the Social Sciences: Vol. 16: Iss. 1, Article 4.
http://digitalcommons.butler.edu/jiass/vol16/iss1/4. Keynote Address
from the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences,
Michael D. McGinnis. 2010. “Religion Policy and the
Faith-Based Initiative: Navigating the Shifting Boundaries between Church
and State,” Forum on Public Policy, Vol 2010, No. 4/5. (December
2010) http://forumonpublicpolicy.com/Vol2010.no4/archive.vol2010.no4/mcginnis.pdf
(accessed January 4, 2011); Reprinted in Journal of Academic Perspectives,
2011, no. 3,
Michael McGinnis.
2005. "Beyond Individualism and Spontaneity: Comments on
Peter Boettke and Christopher Coyne," Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, June 2005, 57 (2), pp. 167-172.
Michael McGinnis, "Elinor Ostrom: A Career in Institutional Analysis," PS: Political Science &
Politics, December 1996, 29 (4), 737-741. [JSTOR]
Michael McGinnis and Elinor Ostrom, "Institutional Analysis and Global Climate Change: Design
Principles for Robust International Regimes," pp. 45-85 in Marian Rice, Joel Snow, and
Harold Jacobson, eds. Global Climate Change: Social and Economic Research Issues,
Proceedings of a Conference held at Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, Feb. 1992.
Michael D. McGinnis, "Bridging or Broadening the Gap? A Comment on Wagner's 'Rationality
and Misperception in Deterrence Theory'," Journal of Theoretical Politics, 1992, 4(4),
443-457. [Abstract]
Working Papers and Presentations
- Institutional Analysis
- Michael D. McGinnis, Elizabeth B. Baldwin, and Andreas Thiel,"When Is Polycentric Governance Sustainable? Using Institutional Theory to Identify Endogenous Drivers of Dysfunctional Dynamics,” Presentation at the Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, Sept. 14, 2020. -- paper slides
- McGinnis, Michael D. 2016. “Polycentricity in Global Governance: A
Question of Constitutional Fit?,” Invited Presentation in the Duck
Family Colloquium Series, Center for Environmental Politics, University
of Washington, Seattle, March 4, 2016 [presentation]
- McGinnis, Michael D. 2015.“Polycentric Governance in Theory and
Practice: Dimensions of Aspirations and Practical Limitations,” prepared
for Polycentricity Workshop, Ostrom Workshop, IU Bloomington,
Dec. 14-17, 2015. [paper]
- Cole, Daniel H. and Epstein, Graham and McGinnis, Michael D., 2015.
“Toward a New Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems (NIASES):
Combining Elinor Ostrom's IAD and SES Frameworks” (September 2, 2014).
Indiana Legal Studies Research Paper No. 299. Available at SSRN:
- McGinnis, Michael D. 2015. “Understanding the Institutional
Repertoire Required for Effective and Sustainable Polycentric
Governance,” Discussion paper prepared for Working Group on
Institutions, Behavior and Policy Outcomes, Workshop: Advancing
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches for the Study of Compliance,
School of Public Affairs, San Diego State University, June 4-5, 2015 [paper;
- McGinnis, Michael D. 2015. "Recognizing
Varieties of Polycentric Governance: Can We Develop More Precise
Definitions and Distinctions?," paper prepared for discussion
at Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, April 9, 2015.
- McGinnis, Michael D. 2015. "General
Theory of Federalism: What the Ostroms Can Teach Us about How State
Attorneys General Can Continue to Contribute to Polycentric Governance,"
Remarks at Midwest Regional Meeting of the National Association of State
Attorneys General, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 31-April 1, 2015
- McGinnis, Michael D.,
Costs and
Challenges of Polycentric Governance: An Equilibrium Concept and
Examples from U.S. Health Care (May 2, 2011). Working Paper W11-3,
The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy
Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2206980
or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2206980. Originally prepared for presentation
at Conference on Self-Governance, Polycentricity, and Development,
Renmin University of China, Beijing, May 8, 2011. [pdf;
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Building a Program for Institutional Analysis
of Social-Ecological Systems:A Review of Revisions to the SES
Framework," Working Paper, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy
Analysis, Indiana University. [pdf]
NOTE: This material has been incorporated into McGinnis and Ostrom, "SES
Framework: Initial Changes and Continuing Challenges"
- Michael D. McGinnis. "Dynamic Information Flows and Sustainability:
A Specialized Extension of the SES Framework," Working Paper, Workshop
in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University. [pdf]
- Michael D. McGinnis, "Institutional Analysis, Game Models, and Polycentric
Governance: Contextualizing IAD via Networks of Adjacent Action
Situations," Prepared for discussion at the 2010 Annual Meeting of
the American Political Science Association, Sept. 2-5, 2010, Washington,
D.C., in Theme Panel: Institutional Analysis and Development:
Development and Promise; revised version of a paper presented at the
Institutional Analysis and Development Symposium, School of Public
Affairs, University of Colorado Denver, April 9-10, 2010. [pdf]
- Michael D. McGinnis, “Institutional Analysis as a
Foundation for Multi-Tier Game Models,” paper for conference in
Denver April 9-10, 2010 [presentation]
- Elinor Ostrom and Michael D. McGinnis, “Dynamic
Analysis of Action Situations in Social-Ecological Systems,” paper for
May 2010 conference in Delft, [presentation;]
- Michael McGinnis, "Costs
and Challenges of Polycentric Governance," working paper, revised
Feb. 2011. NOTE: Much of this paper has been incorporated in "Costs
and Challenges of Polycentric Governance: An Equilibrium Concept and
Examples from U.S. Health Care.”
- Managing the Health Commons and Healthcare Policy
- Managing the Health Commons [webpage]
"Commons as Building Blocks for Polycentric Governance: Lessons from
U.S. Health Reform," Keynote Address, 2nd Thematic Conference on
Knowledge Commons: Governing Pooled Knowledge Commons, with Special
Attention to Fields of Medicine and the Environment, International
Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), New York University
(NYU) School of Law, Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy,
Sept. 4, 2014 [presentation
"Rethinking Health Care and Corporate Governance," presented at 2014
Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice (SIIPC), The Dartmouth
Center for Health Care Delivery Science, and The Dartmouth Institute
for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Hanover, New Hampshire,
June 25-27, 2014 [powerpoint
slides; edited
Joan Pong Linton and Michael Dean McGinnis, with Carrie Ann
Lawrence. 2014. "Health Commoning: Confronting the Polycentric
Challenge in Bloomington, Indiana,"
Spring 2014 Mini-Conference, The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop
in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University,
Bloomington, May 5, 2014. [pdf]
"How is an Operating Room Like a Commons?," presentation for the
Quarterly All Hands Meeting, IU Methodist OR Team,
Petticrew Auditorium, March 26, 2014 [powerpoint
Instructor, ReThinking Health:
Leadership Essentials in a Changing System, ReThink Health, April
3-May 23, 2013. Primary instructor for Module 5: “Fostering
Stewardship by Caring for the Commons”
"Local Governance of Healthcare: A Missing
Ingredient for Reform," draft paper, Oct. 2013. (revised
version of Caring for the Health Commons)
"Caring for the Health Commons: What It Is and
Who's Responsible For It," Working Paper W13-5, The Vincent
and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,
Indiana University, Bloomington, Feb. 20 2013.
"Overview of Sabbatical Activities,"
May 28, 2013
"The Grand Junction Healthcare System: A
Model for the Nation, In Our Own Backyard," Handout for
presentation to Colorado Healthcare Strategy and Management
breakfast meeting, May 17, 2013.
"Health Care Policy & the Bloomington
School of Institutional Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges of a
Regional Approach to Reform," Presentation at Mercatus Center,
George Mason University, April 24, 2013
Stewardship of a Health Commons: Lessons from the Managing the
Health Commons Research Project," my portion of webinar "Leading
Sustainable Cost Change: Shared Stewardship of a Health Commons,"
Michael McGinnis, Steve ErkenBrack, and Jeff Kuhr, sponsored by
Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP), Oct. 16, 2012
- Michael D. McGinnis and Claudia A. Brink. "Shared Stewardship of a
Health Commons: Examples and Opportunities from Grand Junction, Colorado," A
White Paper Prepared for the Alliance of Community Health Plans (http://www.achp.org/).
Working Paper W12-14, The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in
Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington.
- "Towards
Local Stewardship of a Health Commons," Presentation for Organizing for
Health Distance Learning Class, March 22, 2012.
- "Shared Stewardship
of a Health Commons," Presentation for ReThink Health: Leading &
Collaborating for Change Mini-Course, Dec. 5, 2011, at the 23rd
Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care,
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) December 4-7, 2011,
Orlando, Florida. [longer version
of slides]
- Collaborative Stewardship
of a Health Commons, Presentation prepared for American Public
Health Association meeting, Nov. 2, 2011, but not presented in
- Webinar on Managing
the Health Commons: An Interim Report,
Oct. 21, 2011 [pdf version];
Condensed version updated
Nov. 21 [pdf]
- Health as a
Commons: Talking Points
- Project Planning Document,
May 2011 [pdf]
- McGinnis, Michael D.,
Costs and
Challenges of Polycentric Governance: An Equilibrium Concept and Examples
from U.S. Health Care (May 2, 2011). Working Paper W11-3, The Vincent
and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana
University, Bloomington. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2206980
or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2206980. Originally prepared for presentation
at Conference on Self-Governance, Polycentricity, and Development,
Renmin University of China, Beijing, May 8, 2011. [pdf;
- Religion and Public Policy
- "Religion Policy and Faith-Based Organizations:
Charting the
Shifting Boundaries between Church and State," presented at the 2011
Annual Meeting of ASREC, Association for the Study of Religion,
Economics & Culture, Arlington, Virginia, April 7-10, 2011. [paper;
presentation]. Revised version of paper
presented at Oxford Round Table on Religion
and Science: Shaping the Modern World, Harris Manchester College, Oxford,
England, July 25-30, 2010. [paper;
original presentation]
- "Comparative Religion Policy: Understanding Patterns of Religious
Participation in Policy Networks and the Political Manipulation of Religious
Organizations, " paper presented at annual meeting of the International
Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, California, March 26-30, 2008. [paper,
- "The Political Manipulation of Religion and Its Limits: How Faith-Based
Service Organizations Fit Into Policy Networks," presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture
(ASREC) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), Tampa,
Florida, November 1-4, 2007 [paper,
- "Narratives of Strategic Interaction Involving Religious Organizations:
Proselytism, Humanitarian Aid, and International Conflict," at the 48th
Annual Conference of the International Studies Association, Chicago,
Illinois, Feb. 28-March 3, 2007. [pdf]
- "Proselytism Games and Humanitarian Aid," presented at (1) the Annual
Meeting of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture
(ASREC) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR),
Portland, Oregon, October 19-21, 2006 and (2) the 2006 North American
Meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Columbus, Ohio,
November 10-12, 2006.
- "Partners, Partisans, Proselytizers: Games Played by International
Faith-Based Organizations," paper presented at the 64th Annual National
Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois,
April 20-23, 2006.
- "Strategizing for the Lord and for Self-Governance: What IGOs and NGOs
Can Learn from the Missionary Experience of the Indigenization of African
Christianity," 47th Annual Convention of the International Studies
Association, San Diego, California, March 22-25, 2006 and at a conference on
“Designing Constitutional Arrangements for Democratic Governance in Africa:
Challenges and Possibilities,” Indiana University, Bloomington, March 30-31,
2006. [pdf]
- "Rebellion, Religion, and Rational Choice Institutionalism: Towards an
Integrated Framework for Analysis," Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political
Science Association, Chicago, April 2005.
- Other Papers Related to the Ostrom Workshop
- Web Version of IAD Guide
- How to Use the IAD Framework
- "Building Networks of Action Situations for the Analysis of Policy
Processes and Institutions," presentation at Networks and Complex
Systems Colloquium Series, IU Bloomington, Feb. 14, 2011. [presentation
- Michael D. McGinnis, "An Introduction to IAD and the Language of the
Ostrom Workshop: A Simple Guide to a Complex Framework for the Analysis
of Institutions and their Development," paper for
conference in Denver April 9-10, 2010 and Aug. 2010 American Political
Science Association meeting. [pdf]
Course-Related Working Papers
- Other Papers and Presentations
- "Faith-Based Initiatives in the Bush and
Obama Administrations," IU Mini-University, June 25, 2009.
- "Evaluating Humanitarian Response to Conflict and
Famines," DePauw University, November 14, 2005.
- Selected chapters from unpublished manuscript, "Managing Conflict
Policy: Exploring Strategic Complementarity in the Horn of Africa," Aug.
2006 [draft]
- "Improving Global Response to Regional
Conflict: Applying Network Governance to Conflict Policy," The Joan B.
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, October 3, 2005
- "Faith-Based Multi-Functionality and Public Policy: An Initial Research
Agenda," Colloquium on Environmental and Resource Economics, Humboldt
University, Berlin, November 23, 2004 [paper;
Religion, and Institutional Analysis: A Research Agenda in Transition,"
Purdue University, November 3, 2004.
- Earlier Papers
- Michael McGinnis, "Missing Institutions and
Polycentric Governance," draft 2006,
- Markus Hanisch and Michael D.
McGinnis, "Analyzing Problems of
Polycentric Governance in the Growing EU," Introduction to Workshop on
Analyzing Problems of Polycentric Governance in the Growing EU, Humboldt
University, Berlin, June 16-17, 2005. [paper;]
- "Who Negotiates and to What Effect When Parties
are Trapped in a Multi-Phase Equilibrium of a Multi-Track Regional Conflict
System?" Prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Peace Science
Society, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 13-16, 2003. [paper;
figures; power point presentation]
- "Arms, Aid and Illicit Trade as Inputs to
Rebellion: Some Implications of Substitutability in Rebel Organizations,"
presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Boston, August 28-September 1, 2002. [Abstract]
- "An Institutional Approach to Substitutability in
Rebellions," presentation (no paper), Conference on
Foreign Policy Substitutability, Penn State University, June 21-22, 2002. [power
point presentation]
- "Reciprocal Destabilization: A Two-Level
Security Dilemma Involving Rebellions, Refugees, and Regional
Conflict," presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies
Association, Chicago, Illinois, February 21-24, 2001. [Abstract] [pdf
- "Conflict Dynamics in a Three-Level Game: Local, National, and International
Conflict in the Horn of Africa," Thirty-Third North American Meeting of the Peace
Science Society (International), The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
October 8-10, 1999. [Abstract]
- Michael McGinnis and Vincent Ostrom, "Democratic
Transformations: From the Struggle for Democracy to Self-Governance?,"
Paper discussed at the 25th Anniversary 2nd
Workshop on the Workshop, Indiana University, June 10-12, 1999. [paper]
Reprinted in
The Quest to Understand Human Affairs: Essays on Collective,
Constitutional, and Epistemic Choice, vol. 2. Edited by Barbara Allen.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp.501-532
- "Institutional Analysis and the Future of the
Workshop: Toward a Tocquevillean Synthesis of the Policy Sciences?,"
Opening Plenary Session, 25th Anniversary 2nd
Workshop on the Workshop, Indiana University, June 10-12, 1999. [Abstract]
- Michael McGinnis, "NGO Response to Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: A Preliminary
Analysis," paper presented at the Thirty-First North American Meeting of the Peace
Science Society (International), Indianapolis, Indiana, November 20-23, 1997. [Abstract]
[Word version]
- Michael McGinnis and Vincent Ostrom. 1999. "Democratic Transformations: From the Struggle for
Democracy to Self-Governance?," (in Chinese). Trans. by Mao Shoulong. Published
in Journal of Beijing Administrative College, Vol. 3, 2001 (in two
parts). [English version]
- McGinnis, Michael, ed. 2000. Polycentric Governance and Development:
Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (in
Chinese). Trans. by Wang Wenzhang and Mao Shoulong. Shanghai, China:
Shanghai Joint Publishing Corporation.
- McGinnis, Michael, ed. 2000. Polycentricity and Local Public Economies:
Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (in
Chinese). Trans. by Mao Shoulong and Li Mei. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Joint
Publishing Corporation.
External Research Grants
Investigator, proposal for a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and
Technology Center (STC) on Governance and Sustainability on
Social-Ecological Systems (COGS) , Indiana University, under review.
Investigator, “Managing the Health Commons,” funded by Fannie E. Rippel Foundation, January 2011-December 2012
Co-Principal Investigator, “Expectational Models of
U.S.-Soviet Rivalry,” National Science Foundation, 1988-91
Recent and Upcoming Courses
- U.S. Health Care Policy
- Political Science Y490: Undergraduate Seminar: Controversies in
Health Politics and Policy [Spring
- Political Science Y394: Public Policy Analysis: Coping With
ObamaCare [Spring 2015]
- Political Science Y200 [Spring 2014,
- Analyzing Politics -- Political Science Y205 [Spring
- Introduction to Theories of Public Policy -- Political Science Y565 / SPEAV690
[ Fall
2014; Fall 2013, Fall 2011; Fall 2009 ]
- Institutional Analysis and Development -- Political Science Y673
[ Fall 2014;
Fall 2013 ]
- Sustainable Governance in the Ostrom Tradition -- Political Science
Y394: Public Policy Analysis [Fall 2010]
- Democracy and National Security, Political Science Y311 [
2015; Spring
2014 ]
- Religion, Politics, and Public Policy, Political Science Y249 [Spring 2011; Spring 2009]
Undergraduate Courses
Interdisciplinary and College of Arts and Sciences Courses
- International Studies I206: Nations, States, and Boundaries [Spring
- Coping With War
Introductory Survey Courses and Specialized Topics in Political Science
- Introduction to World Politics -- Y109 [Spring 1990] [Fall
1986] [Spring 1986]
- Contemporary Political Problems -- Y200 Topics:
Courses in U.S. Health Policy
Courses in International Politics and Foreign Policy
- Democracy and National Security -- Y311 [
2015; Spring
2014] [Fall 2000]
[Fall 1999]
[Spring 1996-1998]
- International Law -- Y367 [Spring 2001] [Spring 2000]
- Contemporary Theories of International Politics -- Y361 [Spring
- Comparative Foreign Policy -- Y363 [Spring 1987]
- War and International Conflict -- Y375 [Summer 1988] [Fall 1987]
Courses in Institutional Analysis and Research Methods
- Institutional Analysis and Governance -- Y204
- Elements of Political Analysis -- Y205 [Spring 1987] [Fall
- Analysis of International Politics -- Y372 [Spring 1988] [Spring
- Political Decision Making -- Y391 [Fall
2001] [Spring 1998]
- Public Policy Analysis -- Y394
- Sustainable Governance in the Ostrom Tradition [Fall
Undergraduate Seminars
- Honors Seminar -- Y210
- Senior Seminar -- Topics:
- Global Politics of Christian Evangelism,
Senior Seminar Y490 [Spring 2007]
- Contemporary Theories of International Politics [Y396: Spring 1994
with Y361]
- Information, Institutions, and International Order [Y396: Fall 1990]
- Nuclear Games: The Theory and Practice of Deterrence [Y396: Spring 1990]
- International Negotiations and Theories of Bargaining [Y396: Fall 1985]
Courses Related to Religion and Politics
Graduate Seminars
Methods of Political Science Research
- Introduction to the Study of Politics -- Y570 [Spring
2010] [Fall 1997]
[Fall 1993-1996]
- Introduction to Formal Theory -- Y573 [Spring
- Political Data Analysis I -- Y575 [Fall 1996] [Fall
- Research Methods in Political Science -- Y580 [Fall
2008] [Fall
2007] [Spring 1987
with Y205]
International Relations
- International Relations: Approaches and Issues
- Topics in International Relations -- Y669
- Democracy and World Politics [Spring 1997]
- War, Democracy, and Capitalism [Fall 1994]
- International Order and Domestic Politics [Spring 1993]
- Formal Models: IR Game Theory [Spring 1991]
Institutional Analysis and Public Policy
Summary of Participation in Ph.D. committees: As of Feb. 2020, I have
chaired 14 dissertation committees and served on another 55.
Departmental Service
- Chair, July 2015- June 2016
- Director of Graduate Studies, 1990-1991, 2001-2002, January 2008 - July
- Recruitment Director, 2008-09
- Acting (Summer) Chair, Summer 1991, 1993
- Personnel Committee, 1986-88 (appointed), 1993-97 (elected), Spring 1999 (elected),
2000-2002 (elected; Chair 2000-2001), 2007-09 (elected), 2014-15 (elected)
- Chair, Recruitment Committees: Human Rights 2013-14, Public Policy 2006-08, Public Law 1997-98.
- Member, Recruitment Committee, 2014-16 (Human Rights), 2002-04 (African Politics), 1992-93 (Formal
Theory), International Relations Search Committee, 1990-91
- Member, Task Force on Undergraduate Major and the Curriculum, 1997-98
- Member, Task Force on Graduate Program, 2005-06
- Data Lab/Computer Policy Committee, 1985-86, 1988-90, 1992-93 (Chair), 1999-2000
- Graduate Advisory and Financial Aid Committee, 1990-91, 1998-2000, 2001-04,
University Service
- Associate Dean for Social and Historical Sciences and Graduate Education,
- Director, The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and
Policy Analysis, 2010-12
- Co-Director, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,
2003-2005, 2009-2010
- Co-Associate Director, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,
1997-1999, 2000-2003
- International Studies Program, Internal Advisory Board 2008-12
(Board President 2008-09)
- Member, Faculty Advisory Board, School of Global and
International Studies, 2014-16
- Chair, Internal Review Committee, Center for American and Global
Security, School of Global and International Affairs, 2015-16
- Chair, Internal Advisory Board, Center for American and Global
Security, School of Global and International Affairs, 2016-
- Commitment to Excellence Committees: Statistics, Democracy Studies
in a Global Age, Summer 2004
- Tenure Advisory Committee (Bloomington campus level), Dean of Faculties, 1996-99,
College of Arts and Sciences 2007-09
- College Promotion Committee, 2014-15
- College Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2014-15
- Joint Ph.D. Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, Department of
Political Science and School for Public and Environmental Affairs, Spring
1990-Spring 1991, 1992-93, 2001-2002, Spring 2003, 2008-2012
- Individualized Major Program Advisory Committee, 2000-2006
- Member, Search and Screen Committee for Executive Director for
Ostrom Workshop, OVPR, 2013-14
- Member, Search Committee, Conflict and Security, Dept. of
International Studies, Fall 2015
Professional Service
- Co-Editor, Institutional Analysis book series,
University of Michigan Press, 1999-2001
- Co-Editor, International Studies Quarterly, 1994-1998
- Member, Editorial Board, International Interactions, 1991-1999
- Member, Council, Scientific Study of International Politics Section, International Studies
Association, 1999-2001
- Chair, American Political Science Association Merriam Award Committee, 1997
- Member, IASC: International Association for the Study of the Commons; APSA: American Political Science
Association, ISA: International Studies
Association, MPSA: Midwest
Political Science Association, PSS(I): Peace Science Society (International);
SSSR: Society for the Scientific Study of
Religion, ASREC:
Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture
- Journal Reviewer,
- Africa Today,
- American Journal of Political Science
- American Political Science Review (APSR),
- American
Politics Quarterly,
- Business and Politics
- Conflict Management and Peace Science,
- Environmental Policy and Governance,
- Good Society,
- International Interactions,
- International Journal of the Commons,
- International Organization,
- International Studies Quarterly (ISQ),
- International Theory,
- Journal of Conflict
Resolution (JCR),
- Journal of Environmental Management and Planning
- Journal of Institutional Economics,
- Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,
- Journal of Peace Research (JPR),
- Journal of Politics,
- Journal of Public Administration and Management (JPAM),
- Journal of Theoretical
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly,
- Perspectives on Politics,
- Policy
- Policy Studies Journal (PSJ),
- Political Behavior,
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
- Public
Administration Review (PAR),
- Publius,
- Review
of Economic Studies,
- Sociologia Ruralis,
- Sustainablity,
- Urban Studies
- World Development
- Book and Proposal Reviewer, Cambridge University Press, Indiana University Press,
University of Michigan Press, Princeton University Press, National Science
- Book reviews, American Political Science Review, Sept.
2002, 96: 695-6 (Frank C. Zagare and D. Marc Kilgour, Perfect Deterrence, Cambridge
University Press), and American Political Science Review, June 1998, 92: 508-509. (Todd Sandler,
Global Challenges: An Approach to Environmental, Political, and Economic Problems,
Cambridge University Press)
- Participant, Seminar on "International Justice and Democratic Transitions," Carnegie Council on
Ethics and International Affairs and University of Wisconsin, Madison, June 3-4, 1999.
- Presentation
on "Enhancing Institutional Diversity in a
Globalizing World," Seminar on "Gobernabilidad y Federalismo"
("Governance and Federalism") sponsored by the Escuela Iberoamericana de
Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IBERGOP-Mexico), Mexico City, September
23-24, 2002. [presentation; Spanish translation of power point
Recent Conference Participation (other than paper
Keynote Address, 2nd Thematic
Conference on Knowledge Commons: Governing Pooled Knowledge Commons, with
Special Attention to Fields of Medicine and the Environment, International
Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), New York University
(NYU) School of Law, Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy,
Sept. 4, 2014 [presentation
Invited Speaker, Ostrom Memorial
Session, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 83rd Annual Meeting, IU
Northwest, Gary, IN, Oct. 12, 2012.
Invited Participant, Liberty Fund conference on “The Bloomington School, the
New Science and Art of Association, and Cultivating Self-Governing
Citizens,” Bloomington, Indiana, July 26-29, 2012.
Co-Presenter, ReThink Health Initiative Team, “Leadership for
System Innovation,” an all-day mini-course at the 23rd
Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care, Institute for
HealthCare Improvement (IHI), Dec. 4-7, 2011, in Orlando, Florida.
Invited participant, Salzburg Global Seminar,
Health and Healthcare
Series III, Innovating for Value in Health Care Delivery: Better
Cross-Border Learning, Smarter Adaptation and Adoption, Salzburg,
Austria, September 25 through October 1, 2011.
Chair, "Religious Beliefs and Economic
Outcomes" panel, 2011 ASREC (Association of the Study of Religion,
Economics, and Culture), Arlington, Virginia, April 7-10, 2011.
Program Organizer, SES Club Meeting,
Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2010, Indiana University, Bloomington. [agenda]
Invited Participant, "Oxford Round Table
on Religion and Science: Shaping the Modern World,"
Harris Manchester College, Oxford, England, July 25-30, 2010.
Discussant on a panel on “Radio
Spectrum Governance: The Need for Collective Action” and participant in
roundtable on “The Future of Infrastructure Self-Governance: Bringing
Government Back In?,” 13th Annual International Conference on the Economics
of Infrastructures, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands,
27-28 May 2010.
Contact Information
Michael McGinnis
Department of Political Science
Woodburn Hall 210
1100 E. 7th Street
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7110
Woodburn Hall Office
phone (812) 855-1209
(dept. office)
fax (812) 855-2027
by appointment
Ostrom Workshop
513 N. Park,
Office (Room 211), by appointment
Modified: 2 September 2020
Comments mcginnis@indiana.edu
Copyright 2011, The Trustees
of Indiana University
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